
2007-05-22, 7:45 p.m.

The good new is that I�m feeling a lot better � back and neck wise � and I�m even starting to make plans to travel. Tomorrow, I leave for Northern California. In June I�m going to Chicago, then to Columbus to meet a fellow d�lander (she�s locked) and then ending the trip with a visit to HaloAskew (sorry, too lazy to link, you�ll understand in a minute.)

So though back and neck are good, here�s what I look like:

I swear, I look like an abused wife. But I�m not. I was hungry in the middle of the night, lost my balance, fell face forward into the time. I have a 2 inch gash on my forehead (19 stitches TYVM) and a broken nose, slight concussion and small fracture in my skull. I look BE YOO TEE FULL, I�m sure Hef will be calling for a layout any day now.. I was actually taken to the ER by ambulance just in case I had back or neck injuries. I must say, if you go to the ER by ambulance, you are treated very quickly.

I�m not allowed to walk down the stairs at night, or even by myself during the day, just in case. Mostly I just lay around resting, sleeping, watching the tube. Living an exciting life. But I feel well enough to begin my summer of traveling and meeting some diarylanders as well as some old friends. But trip # 1 will be the judging stone. Luckily, my aunt is a nurse so she can take out my stitches for me and in general keeping an eye on me.

Anyway, I just thought that picture was too pretty not to share

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
- - 2009-06-13
Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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