
I cannot walk on water but I am alive and kicking
2007-05-08, 7:52 p.m.

Yes, I am alive. Yes, I am okay (I mean, as okay as one can be when they are battling physical injury, repetitive stress injury and chronic illness). Yes, I can walk on water. Well, actually, I can�t walk on water. And truthfully, if I was choosing a super-power, that is not the one I would choose. I mean, what is the benefit of that. Most water that you need to cross has a bridge or something. And could you pick when you walked on the water and when you walked IN the water? I mean, what if you wanted to go swimming? And you were stuck with just your feet touching the top of the pool� That would suck. Especially if it was as hot as it has been.

But though I cannot walk on water nor do I have any other super-powers, I have achieved a goal I've been desiring for quite some time. I have gotten below 200 pounds. It's partly due to nausea from medication, but a lot of it has to do with the PT and all the craziness of my last few weeks of work when I just simply forgot to eat. But anyways, it's kind of exciting for me and it's a nice unexpected benefit of all this insanity with my body.

Well, tangent over. I haven�t purposely avoided diaryland. I�m just having trouble with my fingers. If I�m on the computer for more than about 20 minutes, I pay. Lord do I pay. My hand will ache for a full day, this strong ache that keeps me from distraction of any kind.

Add that to the fact that my life is just not that exciting and you can understand why I don�t update. Not much to say really. I sleep (sort of, not very well as usual). I eat. I go to physical therapy. And last week, I stay in bed because I have some weird virus attacking my entire body, fucking viruses.

Sooooooo� That�s about all. Just wanted to update before people began sending condolences to my family.

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
- - 2009-06-13
Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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