
Why I Deserve a Christmas CD from Smed
2007-01-03, 4:20 p.m.

A real entry will arrive shortly but in the meantime, here is my required groveling to The Musical Genius Smed requesting a copy of his Christmas CD, though Christmas is over, I love Christmas music so I would still like a copy.

Why I am worthy:

  • I sent Smed a large package of burned CD�s along with my much-treasured caramels (that Carrie will try to steal from you if she knows where you live
  • I also sent him a home-made christmas card
  • I have his address but have not stalked him
  • If I stalk him, I have offered to change diapers
  • Because of the making of the caramels, cards and CDs for my friends, I spent most of the time from December 22, 2006 to Jan 2, 2007 in bed drugged to the hilt in horrible pain.
  • I had a horrible 2006 filled with impending blindness (the imminence of the impendingness as yet unknown), 2 back injuries and a miscarriage
  • Even though the holidays are over, I could still use some holiday cheer
  • Though I love music in it�s many varieties, I could never match SMED in volume or knowledge and I would love to see how his wonderfully crazy mind would put together a Christmas mix.
  • I think that is enough groveling. If I am not worthy, so be it, I shall live with the shame.

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