
Immunity for the soul
2006-05-16, 4:55 p.m.

Focusing on:

I have worked out 3 times in the past week
I have been writing down everything I eat and making healthy choices
I have not had candy in 8 days
Yesterday I held a newborn baby
Strawberries are in season and in California they are so delicious they are better than candy

I�ve been getting through this shit by focusing on improving my physical healthy. But I have decided it�s time to also focus on my emotional health. Part of what sent me spiraling down and down were some events that occurred in my life, my reactions to how I was treated by a number of people in my life. And I could have long conversations with them, but the fact is, they might not even really hear what I�m saying, they might not see my side and see how what happened hurt me. So why bother. Instead, I�m choosing a different path, different than I�ve tried before.

As of 2 hours ago, the whole world has a clean slate. There is no memory of any wrong done against me by anyone, no anger at anyone, including myself. It�s like immunity for the soul. When some event, some perceived or actual wrong creeps into my mind, I just take a deep breath and say to myself that it�s all in the past. I know it�s only been a couple of hours, but I know I can make this work.

I figure, if I�m working on some things to improve my physical health, I should be working on things to improve my emotional health. Carrying around anger and resentments is just not serving me. It�s time to serve me.

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
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Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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