
No title comes to mind
2006-05-19, 8:08 a.m.

Just a quick update though I really don�t have much to talk about�.

Been doing really well with the eating thing. Writing down every thing that I eat really helps, so does having a caloric goal. When I�m tempted to eat something high in calories (like this morning I was tempted by and egg and bacon breakfast quesadilla) I think about how many calories that would take out of my daily allotment and then it�s easier to turn down. I have not had candy in 9 days. On Tuesday, my book club met and we usually have dinner at someone�s house. There is always something yummy planned for dessert. So I wouldn�t be tempted, I brought a big bowl of strawberries to share. When dessert was served, I just said no, I�ll pass. And you know what, I was fine. I looked at the cake (very moist with the most delicious looking whipped cream filling) and thought, well it probably tastes good but I�m cool without it. And I was. I really had no desire to have some. I just enjoyed my strawberries. This is the best I have ever done on a �diet�. Though I don�t like that word, I prefer to refer to it as a new eating lifestyle.

I haven�t been exercising as much as I�d like. I�m still having horrible headaches and muscle pain so when they hit, I just can�t go to the gym. I have had a continuous headache since Tuesday night. I didn�t go to work yesterday, and barely got through the day on Wednesday. The headache is still there today but it�s more tolerable. I brought my gym bag and I�m planning to go to the gym today. I think I just need to cut myself some slack right now, if I stick to my eating plan, I�ll still lose weight. I can up the exercise as I progress to get me through any weight loss slumps. For the first time in a year, I really think I can reach my goal. Less than 40 pounds to go (well, I�m assuming less than 40 pounds but I haven�t stepped on a scale since Saturday � here�s to hoping I have lost SOME weight this week).

This weekend, I�m going to be at the Long Beach Gay Pride festival. My friend�s Jana and Ken have a booth there selling his photographs so I promised to help out. I think it will be a blast and I intend to take my camera and take as many pictures as I can.

I�m still powering through with the whole idea of letting it go. Sometimes, my mind starts to return to things in the past and I just remind myself that I have let it go. It seems to be working, I feel much more at peace with the world and myself.

This weekend, I�m buying a cute notebook to track my food intake, my exercise, my weight as well as write down something I am doing each day for my emotional health � like writing down something I am grateful for, something about myself that I am proud of or some victory for the day. I really want to be serious about this and I like the idea of having something I can see in black and white and track my progress.

I have nothing more really to say except I look adorable today. I�m dressed like a preppy, I have white jeans, a striped polo shirt, turquoise with pink, green and white stripes, and a pink blazer. Hey, if you can�t feel your best, it helps to have a cute outfit, right?

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
- - 2009-06-13
Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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