
What is with these crazy people?
2006-03-30, 10:05 a.m.

I don�t mind automatic toilets because at least they have a way to override the system and flush it manually if you need to but I so do not like automatic faucets. We have automatic toilets and faucets here at work and inevitably, the faucet doesn�t stay on long enough to wash the soap off so you�re constantly playing a game with them. Said in baby talk: �Here are my hands, oops, now they�re gone, oh here are my hands again�. And automatic soap dispensers. I stand at the sink and because I am there moving my arms, the soap dispenser keeps going off spitting out a stream of soap into the sink. Well, it goes off constantly except for the minute I put my hands under it, then suddenly, it won�t go off. To me, that�s such a waste.

Some other bathroom pet peeves:

If I am the only person in a 5 stall bathroom and I am at the far end of the bathroom, why do you have to come in and sit in the stall right next door? I mean, I know these are public restrooms and we can�t expect privacy. I don�t freak out when a bathroom is full and someone is in a stall next to me. But if the bathroom is empty, why can�t you go do your thing at the other end? I feel so invaded when that happens.

Why do you have to talk on your cell phone in a public restroom? Is that call about how Jenny likes Matt and did you see her ass hanging out of her skirt really so damn important that it can�t wait? I have had conversations with friends when they were in their own bathrooms (or I in mine) at home, and that doesn�t bother me. But to talk on the phone in a public restroom, that�s just gross.

Why do you have to stop in the doorway of the bathroom to have your conversation? Can�t you do it elsewhere? Do you not realize that people need to enter and exit through that doorway? Are you so in love with the germy, noisy, smelly atmosphere of the bathroom that you need excuses to stay?

Why do you have to stand in front of the only mirror in a crowded bathroom to put on your make-up? Is your face so ugly that you can�t go an hour without covering it up? Do you not realize that people with dirty hands are waiting for the sink and meanwhile might be touching things? Are you selfish that you put your vanity over hygeine?

That�s all my public bathroom pet peeves, for now anyway. I have many pet peeves when it comes to people. Carrie and I feel the same way about most of them. I like you all as individuals but what is it about groups of people that cause them to be brain-dead and lose all their social graces and abilities to be polite and respectful of other human beings? In brief, I hate when people stop in the middle of walkways with no thought that other people are behind them. I hate when people stop in groups in the middle of a walkway to have a conversation. I hate when people let their children run wild with no respect for the other people walking. Do you just assume that people are going to stop and not trample on your child? I mean, it�s rude, but if a child runs in front of me, it is sometimes hard to stop and not run into them, but I�d be the bully if I did that� no thought or consideration to the idea that you, as a parent, have an obligation to teach your child that they do not exist in a vacuum. There are other people in this world and your child will be one of the people stopping in the middle of walkways if you do not teach them a better way. I better stop this rant, it�s making me crazy.

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