
2004-07-19, 1:59 p.m.

In the car, on the way to work, I drank 32 ounces of fluid. That�s half of what I need for the day. Then after arriving at work, before lunch, I drank another 24 ounces. Then I had another glass at lunch. So by 1 this afternoon, I had drank all the fluid that I needed for the day. Needless to say, I have spent a LOT of time in the bathroom this morning. And, I�m still drinking away. For the last week, I have been really good at getting all my fluids in. I am concerned with my upcoming surgery and want to make sure I am well hydrated so that they won�t have any trouble finding a vein.

Did I mention in here that I�m having my hernia repaired on August 3rd? I think I did.

I have bad luck with IV�s. Bad. Once, about 4 years ago, I went to the ER for abdominal pain. It took them 7 tries to get an IV in. 7!!!! Three different people tried it. They were causing more pain than they were alleviating. Usually, it takes 2 or 3 tries to get the IV in. When I had my last surgery, the gallbladder surgery, the anesthesiologist was the one to put in the IV. She tried a few times in my arm but couldn�t find a vein so she moved to my feet. She got one in the foot right away but said she�d rather have it in my arm. I was dehydrated from the gallbladder problems so she thought that after I was under anesthesia, and some fluids had pumped up my veins, that they would move it. When I woke up from the surgery, the IV was still in my foot, so I just figured they changed their mind. It wasn�t until the next day that I noticed bruises all over my arm, all the way up on my bicep even. They had tried about 5 more times but I guess they weren�t successful because I still had the IV in my foot.

My veins seem to have gotten better since I�ve lost more weight. Normally, when I have blood drawn it takes an average of 3 tries to get a good vein. Lately, they�ve gotten it on the first try. So either, I�m meeting up with better phlebotomists or my veins are easier to find now that they are buried under less fat. I�m gonna vote for the 2nd option because it makes me happier. In either case, I want the IV to slide in on the first try so I�m trying to load up on fluids. Those damn IV�s hurt. It�s like having a nail driven into your skin. Yuck!

This is the first chance I�ve had all day to take a break. I was working on an urgent project this morning, basically helping one of our work teams catch up because they were behind by over a week. A week makes a big difference when you have a 30 day turn around time. Between the project and my frequent bathroom trips, it�s been a busy morning.

I have much to write about relationship-wise but just don�t have the energy. Have you ever finished having sex and just started crying? I think that the sex just makes you feel so vulnerable and kind of opens up the emotions. I don�t know, just my theory.

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
- - 2009-06-13
Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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