
I'm Deteriorating
2006-03-22, 9:04 p.m.

My body hates me, really hates me. But it�s very passive aggressive and so instead of coming out and telling me why it�s mad, it�s just striking back. Not falling asleep. Constant nausea for 2 days. Body and muscle aches. Bladder infection. Low grade fever for 2 days. And then tonight, for no good reason, my ears closed up. Both of them. It was like they just suddenly filled with water and I can�t get them to open up. And they hurt too. I hate this feeling. I want to stick a pin inside them and pop them but really, that would be pretty stupid. Unless I�d like to add deafness to my growing list of concerns in life. Then I could be deaf and possibly going blind. That would be fun! It�s been kind of a tough week physically. I�m thinking if I just lay low this weekend and get some rest, I can give it a little boost and get it back on track. Maybe then it wouldn�t be so mad at me.

I�m not usually someone who posts my poetry, but I wrote this one several years ago and I like the hint of an erotic quality to it� (what�s up with me and erotic qualities these days? No idea). I wrote this after a break up and it�s probably one of my favorites of my poems (which I don�t write many of, I�m really more of a prose person).

My tongue darts out to taste the ice cream
And my mind drifts back
To warm summer evenings
Small change gathering in my pocket
Making music as I walk, skip and run to the ice cream store.

I taste the sweetness
And move it around my mouth with my tongue
A bit drips down my chin and I catch it with my finger
Not wanting to lose a drop of this sweet and cool miracle
The creaminess fills my mouth and I savor every lick
It feels smooth and rich against my tongue
And fills me with giddiness as the cold sensation slides down my throat

I try to catch every drip as it melts in the sun
But my tongue is not fast enough
The sticky sweetness oozes onto my hand
And mixes with the sweat of the day,
Then falls to the dusty sidewalk

My hand grips the cone
Not wanting to let go of the sweet memory of heaven
And as the puddle forms at my feet
I hope that you will always know
That I savored the taste of you
And the memory of you
Will always be sweet in my mouth.

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
- - 2009-06-13
Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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