
sugar is my enemy
2003-08-19, 12:41 p.m.

Okay, I�ve just returned from weighing in and here�s the results. 282. Now three weeks ago when I weighed in, the scale said 273. Several things are going on here. 1st, they said the scale was off and needed to be recalibrated. So some of this is from the scale being recalibrated. I don�t think I�ve really gained 9 pounds in 3 weeks. 2nd, I have been eating like crap. Eating lots of sugar and junk food. Now �lots� is a relative term these days. I mean when would I ever call 2 cookies �lots� of sugar. But these days, I really should be only indulging in sugar on occasion�not everyday. And that�s what it�s been lately, every day I�ve had something sweet, either cookies or candy or something. This has got to stop. Now, I�m not one of those WLSers that think I can never have sugar again. I think that eliminating those things from my life entirely is just not worth it and causes food obsession. I want what I can�t have. But I need to get to the point where I�m not �indulging� myself on a daily (or more often) basis. So, for a while, the sugar�s got to go. Also, another factor to consider, before I beat myself up too much, is that I spent most of my adult life in the 280�s, so I was prepared to expect a significant plateau when I hit that weight. It�s no surprise to me that I still weigh over 280. That whole scale thing just really got me excited about thinking that I weigh less than 280, I wanted to believe the scale was right. And because my weight loss had really speeded up in the last couple of months, I think I got too comfortable, and really lost focus on what I�m doing and how to eat right for life.

So here�s my plan: no sugar. There�s a watch that I�m checking out on e-bay that I really want. The auction ends in 5 days. If I can go without sugar for the next 5 days, then I get to buy the watch. If I cave and have sugar, then I don�t get the watch. I definitely work better with extra motivation. So far, I haven�t had any sugar today. I�ve had a � cup of cottage cheese, a diet snapple and a hamburger patty with cheese. I am currently sucking down a glass of water. The kicker is that I have a meeting at 1:30 and they are having ice cream sundae�s at the meeting. I don�t have a choice, I have to go to the meeting. If it wasn�t mandatory, I would skip it just to avoid the temptation, but this is not a meeting I can skip. So my plan is to eat right before I go, that way I�ll be full and it will be less tempting. Also, I�m going to bring some water or something to drink to the meeting. That will help also. Wish me luck. I�m also starting back to the gym tonight. I�ve been really fortunate to lose 84 pounds without a regular exercise program, but I know that to keep it off and to really be healthy, I need to be a workout warrior. I did some exercise on Sunday at my sister�s pool, but I need to get back into regular gym workouts. So, tonight will be my big night back at the gym. I put it here so I�ll be accountable. They have a water aerobics class and I�m planning on going to that. I hope to get there early to ride the bike for a little while first, and also do some weights. I�ll update tomorrow with how I do.

So here's the bad habits I need to work on-- I eat too fast, I don't chew my food well, I eat too much junk food, I don't exercise. But not to focus only on the bad, here's the good habits I have developed-- I (usually) get 64 ounces of fluid a day, I don't drink soda, my liquids are mostly non-calorie, I don't drink with my meals, I take my vitamins, supplements and thyroid medication every day. So, it's not all bad. I have to continue to focus on the positive, never in my life have I lost 80 pounds in 6 months. I am happier and healthier than I was 6 months ago. I will continue to lose weight. This is about changing habits. Every day is a new day. I have the ability to change the bad habits. And, I have the desire to change the bad habits.

Well, I'm just taking a short break from work, so I better get back to it. I'll update tomorrow and let you all know how I did at the gym, as well as my first (in a while) non-sugar day.

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Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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