
Storing up some nuts for a cold hard winter
2005-09-28, 10:06 p.m.

So I was camping last weekend. During the afternoon on Saturday, everyone went over to the beach except myself. I really wasn�t feeling all that well due to my double root canal a few days earlier, so I decided to just hang out at the campsite and chill. I was sitting out by the cool campfire and found myself surrounded by squirrels. It was as if they were just sitting around waiting for all the people to go away so they could invade. Apparently, I wasn�t that intimidating because they had no fear. They would come right up to me and stand within millimeters and just look at me as if to say �Hey lady, where�s the food.� Did you know that squirrels like quesadillas and roasted vegetables? It�s true, they do. (I know we shouldn�t feed the wildlife, but I just can�t resist their cute squirrelness.)

The thing about squirrels is that they know that food gets scarce in the winter so they do 2 things. First, they eat all they can in the fertile months and secondly, they store up food to get them through the winter. They are smart, these squirrels.

I think that�s sort of what I try to do. I know that I will have some dry seasons, hell, I have some of those every day, and so I try to create all the good memories and fun things that I can, so that I can draw upon them when the going gets rough.

Speaking of rough, it has been a rough, though short, week. Sunday, after returning early from the camping trip due to the dental pain and desire to sleep in my own bed, I found myself having intense abdominal/pelvic pain, primarily on the left side. It was so bad that, although I knew I needed to go to the ER, I was unable to get out of bed to go there. And I�m too stubborn to ask for help. The pain gradually (so gradually it was sad) subsided throughout the night so that it was just a dull ache the next day. By process of elimination, it was decided that I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. Apparently, these are fairly common in women and most pass without even being noticed, but occasionally, they are more ornery. Gee thanks.

Work was stressful as I had several things blow up on me at the last minute today. I was trying to get some reports out before my vacation because they are due while I am gone. 2 of them turned sour as I was finalizing everything so it was a last minute scramble to get it all together. It all came out okay, just made for a stressful day. Monday was stressful as well, mostly due to clashing personalities at work. It�s a long story and I�m feeling too tired now to write it out, but it too got resolved eventually.

All said, I�m glad to put this week behind me. And the best part is that tomorrow, I�m hopping on a plane and heading to Seattle for some much needed R&R. It�s a chance to store some nuts up for the hard winter ahead.

Did I mention that 1-2 hours prior to the burst cyst, I was having sex? They say the two aren�t related, but who knows. The sex was good, I�d even say it was worth it, considering that all the pain resolved within a day. If I was still hurting today, I�d have different thoughts on that.

Sometimes, I think I�m like a man when it comes to sex. It really doesn�t matter how I feel about Brian, if he�s near me, I want to sleep with him. He�s like a drug to me. And the sex was very emotionally intense, surprising considering the emotional distance I�ve been feeling lately. That�s another nut to store. I guess it�s the good memories, though few and far between these days, that keep me going. I remember the taste of the succulence of summer and it gets me through the winter. I�m not convinced it�s a good thing. Maybe it would be easier for me if it all turned to rot.

Well, I�ll be back on Monday and I�ll be sure to have a gazillion pictures to share. See you all then.

Daddy's gone - 2009-08-10
- - 2009-06-13
Bald Spots - 2009-03-25
Empty birthday cakes with suicidal shovels - 2009-03-05
Emptiness - 2009-03-03

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